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We’re your first step to becoming everything you want to be.”][careerfy_cv_packages][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”golden-c-v-pack” subtitle=”First step to becoming everything you want to be.” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22no%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22no%22%7D%5D”][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”power-cv-pack” featured=”yes” subtitle=”First step to becoming everything you want to be.” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%5D”][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”super-cv-pack” subtitle=”First step to becoming everything you want to be.” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%5D”][/careerfy_cv_packages][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513344837884{padding-top: 90px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_section_heading h_title=”What We Have” h_desc=”A better career is out there. We’ll help you find it. We’re your first step to becoming everything you want to be.”][careerfy_services view=”view-2″][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-curriculum” service_title=”CV Search” service_desc=”Over the coming years Ismail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-building” service_title=”Recruiter Profiles” service_desc=”And because we understand the importance of staying connected, Nimble enables people to send mobile airtime top-ups.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-briefcase” service_title=”Advertise a Job” service_desc=”Millions of us now rely on Mobile Money services instead of bank accounts, so we offer transfers directly to them.”][/careerfy_services][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513346384459{padding-top: 70px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_section_heading h_title=”Buy Additional C.V Packages” h_desc=”A better career is out there. We’ll help you find it. We’re your first step to becoming everything you want to be.”][careerfy_cv_packages view=”view2″][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”golden-c-v-pack” subtitle=”First step to becoming everything you want to be.” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22no%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22no%22%7D%5D”][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”power-cv-pack” featured=”yes” subtitle=”Special C.V Offer” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%5D”][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”super-cv-pack” subtitle=”First step to becoming everything you want to be.” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%5D”][careerfy_cv_package_item att_pck=”unlimited-cv-pack” subtitle=”First step to becoming everything you want to be.” desc=”Is mail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.” pckg_features=”%5B%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22Unlimited%20Views%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Access%20to%2050%20Resumes%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20%20Caniddate%20Featured%20On%20Demand%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20C.V%20displayed%20for%2090%20days%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%2C%7B%22feat_name%22%3A%22%20Premium%20Support%2024%2F7%22%2C%22feat_active%22%3A%22yes%22%7D%5D”][/careerfy_cv_packages][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513338979764{padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_call_to_action view=”view-2″ cta_img=”https://twenterecruitment.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/multiple-logos.jpg” cta_title1=”MILLIONS OF JOBS.” cta_title2=”FIND THE ONE THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU.” cta_desc=”Search all the open positions on the web. Get your own personalized salary estimate. Read reviews on over 600,000 companies worldwide. The right job is out there. Use careerfy to find it.” btn_txt=”Search Jobs” btn_url=”#”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row careerfy_container=”wide”][vc_column][careerfy_testimonials img=”https://twenterecruitment.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/testimonial-thumb-1.jpg”][careerfy_testimonial_item desc=”I just got a job that I applied for via careerfy! I used the site all the time during my job hunt.” title=”Richard Anderson” position=”Nevada, USA”][careerfy_testimonial_item desc=”I just got a job that I applied for via careerfy! I used the site all the time during my job hunt.” title=”Richard Anderson” position=”Nevada, USA”][/careerfy_testimonials][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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